800-ton Explorer-class Exploration Ship (TL10)

Crew: 21 Total. 5 Command and Control, 2 Engineers, 2 Medical, 8 Turret Gunners, 4 Flight Crew. Provisions for 16 researchers or scientists.

Design: 800-ton SL Hull, DR 100, 8 Turret, SL (DR 100) with three 250 Mj Std Laser.

Modules: Basic Bridge, Astronomical Instruments, Planetary Survey, Probe Module, Survey Module, Enh Sensors, Engineering, 32 Jump Drive, 45 Maneuver Drive (1,800 stons thrust), 240 Jump Fuel (Fire 13), 2 Fuel Processor, 2 Utility, 37 Stateroom, Sickbay, 2 Low Berth (8 Cryoberths), Armory, Safe, Logistics, Physics Laboratory, Simulation Lab, 4 Laboratory, 40 Hold, 40 Vehicle Bay (40-ton Pinnace), 40 Vehicle Bay (40-ton Pinnace), 2 Spacedock (2xAir/raft).

Statistics: EMass 1,587.93 stons, LMass 1,787.93 stons, Cost MCr247.66, HP: 60,000 (DT 6,000), Size Modifier: +10, HT 12, Maint. 1.3 Hrs (75.5 man-hrs./day).

Performance: Jump-3, sAccel 1.01 G / 1.16 G (empty tanks), Air Speed 1,752 mph, Dodge 0 + 1/2 Pilot Skill (-4 vs Meson Fire).

Printed with GMV Version 2.32.01 on 1/20/2004 12:26:32 PM
Copyright © 2004 by Mike West
