General Notes
If you play SFB long enough, you will inevitably come up with ideas for new ships or improved versions of existing ships. Eventually, you will try to make SSDs out of those ideas and, if you are foolish and persistent enough, put them up on the web. Here are my offerings.All of these ships are my inventions. Some were inspired by the efforts I saw others do that I thought could be done differently. Many are blatantly obvious (e.g. Fed TGA). As a result, some of these may be identical, or nearly identical, to ships done by others. That doesn't mean either person copied from each other; it just means some ideas are very common. My primary focus is on the Federation, as they are my favorite empire, but I have diversified my portfolio as inspiration has struck.
General Federation Klingon Romulan Kzinti Gorn Tholian Orion Hydran Andromedan Lyran WYN ISC LDR Seltorian Jindarian Vudar Paravian Carnivon
Flivver Ship Studies
Occasionally a random idea with pop into my mind that will involve more than just one ship. In such cases (assuming I don't stop myself first), I will create a whole set of ships around the idea. Just to give them their own heading, I am collectively calling these "Ship Studies".
Barbarian Light Cruisers
When I first got Module C4, I was curious as to how all of the various war cruisers would compare with a fairly well define common denominator that the Barbarian Light Cruiser provided. While I first planned on doing this a long time ago, I never took the time to complete the whole thing. For no apparent reason, the base project is now complete.Escort Carriers
I created an entire class of ships called Escort Carriers. They are carriers with the weapons of an escort of the same size. Since they can protect themselves, they don't need dedicated escorts, allowing their escort requirements to be fulfilled by standard warships. These were (correctly) rejected, as they would completely change carrier doctrine and use in SFB. However, I think they are cool, and present them here.General
Photon-Armed Freighter: I have never fully understood why the Federation never made photon armed freighters. No they aren't that scary, but with the larger engines the photons can be effectively used, particularly on the large freighter. Plus the phaser armed version is completely ineffective and two drone racks just isn't going to do much. If you are going to spend the money to arm a freighter, at least you can give it some teeth. Used by the Federation and Orions operating in Federation territory.
(F-AS) (ssd)
(F-AL) (ssd)Photon-Armed Auxiliary: Same rationale applies (in spades) to the various Auxiliary Cruisers introduced in R8. Everyone else gets the option to use some form of heavy weapons on their auxiliaries, but the Federation is left with drones or phasers. If you are going to spend that much money to create an auxiliary cruiser, the least you can do it give it some weapons to use. Used by the Federation. (Could have been used by Orions in Federation territory, but I don't think they used auxiliaries.)
The AWR refit on the Large and Huge auxiliaries only converts enough to reload the photons. (No, overloads were not considered "reloading".) It wasn't deemed cost efficient to convert all of the APR.
(S-AC) (ssd)
(L-AC) (ssd)
(H-AC) (ssd)
Actually, I walk back that comment on the Huge auxiliary. While two or three drones isn't impressive for the main armament, seven drone racks for the Huge auxiliary makes a lot of sense, particularly with its horrible turn mode. I leave the photon version above, however, as it completes the set.
General Attrition Units
In general, most worlds used defensive forces provided by whatever major empire they were located in or were close to. These worlds couldn't afford the costs of creating their own units and the major empire in question would always sell the equipment at very reasonable prices guaranteed to be less than what the world would have to pay to build their own or get them from somewhere else. This would create a long-term dependency for these worlds on the empire for replacements and parts (and future upgrades), which would bind the world to the empire whether they ever formally joined or not. This was a very beneficial win-win scenario that worked for decades, until the General War reached its peak.
When the General War reached its peak, this implicit deal crumbled. The empires were then at an economic nadir and they were running out of resources to fuel their war machines. They were also having to make existential decision on what they wanted to save and what they could save. Without enough resources to go around, they started to strip resources from what they felt they couldn't save (or could afford to lose) in order to protect what would be saved (or they would at least try to save). As a result, many worlds had their former benefactor empires strip them of any defensive asset the empire thought could be of use, leaving the sacrificial worlds to their own devices with virtually no defenses.
This caused the various worlds to realize the bad part of the deal they had struck all those years ago and decide to take a new path. Fortunately, an alternative had dropped into their laps. Using these designs (for fighters and gunboats), many of these abandoned worlds were able to resupply their own defenses. They would buy and sell with each other, such that even with only a few producer worlds, these designs were able to proliferate much farther than would have been expected. The fighters spread to virtually everywhere and the gunboats spread nearly as far. Surprisingly, invading empires had little issue with these forces as long as the worlds would properly play the game. With at least the main worlds able to defend themselves, it meant fewer resources were needed to keep piracy in check. No world's forces were sufficient to mount an actual threat, and the invaders didn't have to spend any resources at all for their defense. As long as they paid their newly instituted taxes and contributed to the new empire's overall war machine, these defense forces were ignored and permitted as an act of expediency. While the intention was always to clean things up once the new empire's holdings were cemented, this never happened.
General Drone Fighter (FTR): All empires exported fighters to their member and client worlds by the droves. While not necessarily a relevant threat to most dangers, they were still often better than nothing and did help dissuade most incursions. These fighters tended to be older (e.g. Z-Vs) or just plain garbage export models (e.g. F-20s). Once the general war started, most Federation worlds with any kind of influence would resist the standard fare (F-16s and F-20s) and insist on the much more capable F-18B. As this trend continued, a couple of the worlds were able to gain access to the underlying designs of that fighter, allowing them to manufacture their own spare parts. Over the course of a decade or so, those designs changed as corners were cut and efficiencies were introduced. The end result was a fighter that was still, in essence, an F-18B (i.e. the game statistics are the same), but was different and not able to add the type-III rails seen on the F18-B+ and F18-C or to otherwise improve the drone loadout, like on the F-18C.
When the supply limitations hit, worlds simply became much more self-sufficient, and a small handful of worlds were able to realize great profits in selling these simpler "civilian" fighters to other worlds. This allowed the fighter to spread far and wide, becoming the de facto standard for independent worlds throughout the Alpha and Beta Sectors. No diagram is provided as this fighter is identical to an F-18B.
General Plasma Fighter (FTP): The only exception to this reach were worlds deep within the "eastern" empires where plasma-D munitions were easier to create and manage. While the use of the drone fighter reached far into Gorn and Romulan territory, the eastern half of these empires, plus all of the ISC empire, was the deployment area for these fighters. The general drone fighter was modified into a form that was equivalent to the G-18B. As with the generic drone fighter, because of the efficiencies built into the reduced-cost design, it was not possible to significantly add extra munitions, but they were able to eventually make use of the base fighter's light rails. So, while there was no equivalent to the "D" refit, there was a "K" refit made available. No diagram is provided as this fighter is identical to the G-18B and (eventually) G-18K.
General Gunboat: Once the WYN started making their own gunboats, they found they were able to over-produce them to a very large extent. Since they did not have the meat-grinder of the General War to continuously destroy them, they were able to have a very consistent over-production of gunboats. Rather than needlessly horde this excess, they chose to sell them to anyone willing to buy them. Even before the General War's economic exhaustion set in, WYN Freedom Fighters could be found at a great many worlds throughout the Kzinti, Klingon, and Lyran areas of influence; a few even finding their way to the edge of the Federation's border.
The WYN gunboat was already a design study in efficiency and compromise. They were one of the smallest gunboats, and they weren't as hardy as some of the larger gunboats (e.g. ISC gunboat). But, they were still very effective. As they spread out, the already spare WYN design was analyzed and reverse engineered. This allowed many worlds to build parts and components for the gunboat, greatly simplifying the maintenance and update of their forces. Eventually, someone took the next step.
A design group took one of those second-hand reverse engineered designs and rebuilt it from the ground up. They didn't make any huge changes, but took the opportunity to wring out any further inefficiencies and costs from the design they could. For the base design, they standardized on only drones and phasers, discarding the disruptor. They reduced the phaser-1s down to phaser-2s so that the civilian infrastructure could more easily support them. The drone racks were kept as type-A so that they could be easily maintained, and they made sure to include full schematics for Type-I drones so that any world that could build the gunboat could also fully arm it themselves. The majority of the hull is built as a unified design that doesn't vary in the combat builds. The one exception is the modular nose. Once built, the module used in the nose could not be changed, but four standard modules were built, all of which used the same power, conduit, and access connections. The standard modules were the phaser module, the drone module, the ADD module, and the scout module. With a bit of extra work, an additional module was developed, which created a cut-rate leader. The results of these plans was a relatively inexpensive flotilla that still had most of the effectiveness of the original designs, but was significantly less expensive to build and maintain, and was much easier to build. Almost immediately, the designs were available to anyone who wanted them, and instances of the gunboat could eventually be found virtually everywhere. While the design group never gave a designation to the gunboats, they were called the "Free Fighter" PF, as a play on the WYN "Freedom Fighter" name. Of course, it stuck and how it became known.
The base design of general gunboat used two drones and two phaser-2s. The most common weapon configuration was to place a third phaser-2 in the modular nose. However, it was not uncommon to see a third drone rack or even an ADD rack used instead. (Because of the standard design used for the majority of the gunboat, the other two drone racks were fixed. So, even if there was an ADD in the nose, the other two drone racks remained unchanged.) Another option was to house a special sensor to make a cheap scout. Only having a single special sensor provided no back-up, but the trade-offs and significantly reduced cost were considered worth it. Trying to fit in two special sensors would have required many changes to the base design. Having a single special sensor allowed it to be installed using the standard modular nose approach. The final option was to mount a transporter and tractor (with shuttle) in place of the third phaser, which also included additional electronics needed by a leader. This module was bulkier than the others, but it still fit within what the design frame could handle. While this made for a leader with less weapons than the main design (and no shield improvements), it could still fulfill the role of a flotilla leader and provide the missing systems to the flotilla. This cut-rate leader design proved inadequate and still fairly expensive for what it was, but would still see continued use as a leader in places where the cost savings and maintenance savings would still prove useful. Even after being superseded by a superior leader design, many of these cut-rate leaders continued to be built as they made excellent general utility craft. (ssd)
Improved General Gunboat: After seeing the compromises of the base design, improved designs were created to try and address their inadequacies. The improved designs allowed for more options, at the price of increased cost, higher maintenance requirements, and longer construction times. A full leader was introduced. It was determined that the increased capability more than compensated for the increased construction and maintenance costs over the cut-rate leader design, so even worlds that kept the more basic design for the rest of a flotilla would usually upgrade to this leader design. A more capable scout was also introduced, providing two special sensors. This required a non-trivial design change to move the special sensors to the sides of the hull, breaking the unified hull design and therefore significantly increasing the production and maintenance costs. Because of this, the original scout design saw continued widespread use. Both the improved leader and the improved scout designs used a modular nose, and while neither could use a third special sensor or a leader nose module, any of the weapon nose modules were possible. Finally, the combat versions gained more varied options for the modular nose, with options that allowed for a full phaser-1 (the side phasers remained phaser-2s, as they were integral parts of the base design), a disruptor, a fusion beam, or a type-G drone rack (allowing the flexibility to fulfill the roles of the D and E variants with a single hull). A Pl-F or Pl-D were theoretically possible, but such modules were never used with the standard drone-armed gunboats. (ssd)
Plasma General Gunboat: When the base designs eventually made it into the plasma regions, they were basically ignored because of the drone racks that were intrinsic to the design. Then another particularly industrious designer put their mark on the design and produced a plasma version. The design was basically unchanged, except that the side drone racks were changed to Pl-D with side arcs. Pl-D were chosen over Pl-F because of the higher firing rate, greater flexibility and minimal impact on the design (already being ready for racks). The modular nose capability was retained, and modules for the phaser-2, phaser-1, scout channel were retained, and modules containing a Pl-F or a Pl-D were created. Only the improved leader design was used, but both the standard scout and improved scout designs were used. As with the initial versions, the improved leader and improved scout designs could use any of the weapons nose modules, but couldn't use the nose module with a special sensor. (The improved scout design is not shown as it is unchanged except for whichever module is used.) (ssd)
Utility General Gunboats: The non-combat utility version designs used the same unified construction approach as the combat hull, but based on the cargo version of the WYN gunboat. The differences are that the cargo space has a modular design so that it can be configured as either cargo space, barracks, or mine racks; that the auxiliary reactor is replaced by a tractor and shuttle mech-link; and that the phasers used were phaser-2s. Those three versions were the most common variants, with the mine version a distant third.
The original cut-rate leader design was fairly quickly phased out of use as a leader by the improved leader design. Despite that, production of the cut-rate leader design as still high as it was transitioned into the role of a general utility gunboat (basically a "super-workboat"). This ship was still primarily used by governments and local militaries, but as an independent utility craft. It did occasionally find its way into private hands, though that was very rare due to the weaponry and lack of cargo space.
A fighter conveyor version did exist, but it did not use the modular design, and was rarely built. (It was usually easier to just fly fighters or shuttles to where they were needed, rather than carry them.) A survey version based on the improved leader and scout did exist, but was so expensive it was almost never made. It was simply cheaper to build, buy, or charter a small survey freighter instead. (ssd)General Workboat: There was no workboat version because the base WYN workboat was already as efficient as the design could get. As a result, the WYN design was simply used without any modifications. The design was spread with the above gunboat designs, and thus the workboat was available anywhere, becoming the most ubiquitous of all the workboats. And with the full schematics available, there were more than a few hand-built models flying the space-ways.
Dreadnought Carrier (DNV): A DNG modified to carry a full compliment of F-14 fighters. It loses some weapons to make room for the widened shuttle bay. The shuttle bay has been completely redesigned so that there are opposing doors on either side of the secondary hull, rather than a single door at the front. There are two balcony positions at each door. It can operate with either two (like the CVS) or three (like the CVA) escorts. (ssd)
Improved New Jersey Battlecruiser (BCJ+): I have always felt that the BCJ was pathetically under powered. What is the point of giving a cruiser 6 photons if you can't use them? The BCJ+ has the power to use those photons. It is a very simple refit (conceptually), and just rearranges some of the labels on the saucer: the AWR becomes Battery, the Battery becomes Lab and the Lab becomes AWR. The BCJ+ uses the same shock restrictions as the base BCJ. (ssd)
Heavy Battlecruiser Carrier (BVC): This version of the BC trades the "optional" weapons in to expand the shuttle bay. While this only carries a half-squadron of fighters, as opposed to the full squadron carried by the "real" BCV, this ship has the advantage of being a quick conversion of the existing ships. The "real" BVC uses what is, for all intents and purposes, a completely new secondary hull. This ship uses the same secondary hull as the standard BCs. (ssd)
Armed Tug (TGA): Here is what I think the tug would have looked like if it had been given an offensive capability. I only gave it two photons, because they are there to make it painful to attack, not to make it a full warship in its own right. Also increased the shields and phasers slightly. This does make the BT a little nastier, but the BT is still no better than its Klingon counterpart. (ssd).
Drone Frigate (FDB): This is a drone bombardment frigate. I never really understood how the Klingons and Kzintis could manage to stick 6 drone racks on a frigate, but the Feds could only manage 3. That's just dumb. Here is a proper drone frigate. It is designed to be used in a three ship squadron of two FDB and one FFS. (ssd)
NCL and Variants
Though I have many ships I really like, probably my favorite ship across all of SFB is the NCL. One of the most frustrating things about that ship though (besides the 4-6 breakdown), is that the first thing ADB did when designing variants was to strip off the photons. And usually this was totally needless. Fortunately, I was successful in getting the two most important variants changed to put some photons back in, the NVS and NAC, but failed with the LAT. So here is the LAT and a few others.
And that 4-6 breakdown never made much sense either. It is just a disk with close mounted engines. It should be incredibly stable. What would make more sense is to make the CA's breakdown 4-6 (what with the thin "neck" and long skinny engine pylons) and the NCL's breakdown 5-6. That breakdown is just bizarre.
An interesting note: If you look at the description of the AWR refit, the completely unrefitted NCL never existed, except for any pre-production prototypes. All NCLs must either be an NCLa or NCLa+, as they are in service after the AWR refit date. (This applies to all NCL variants as well.) As a result, all of my NCL SSDs automatically include AWR, unless not equipped with photons.
New Strike Carrier (NVS): This version of the NVS keeps the full photon load of the NCL. (Yes, doesn't have any drones, but then neither does the D5V!) Sure, not having any drones is a limitation, but keeping the four photons gives it more punch, and it has two escorts to worry about defending against drones. (ssd)
Light Armed Transport (LAT): This version of the LTT keeps half the photons and adds an extra drone while sacrificing only the emergency bridge (like the original NVS). I still have no idea why this was rejected. (Although, I can guess: ADB was probably needlessly terrified of the LAT + BP combo, with its 8 photons. This is unnecessary as the Klingon BT already has 8 disruptors, and the LAT + BP can barely move!) (ssd)
New Scout (NSC): I always found it odd that while the SC has 8 (count 'em: 8!) scout channels, the NSC has only 4. I think splitting the difference would be a little more effective; it should have 6. (ssd)
New Aegis Cruiser-R (NAR): This what the NER would look like when based on the NAC instead of the NEC. It chews up plasmas just like the NER, but now has some offensive punch with two photons and still has the rear drone rack. (ssd)
New Drone Cruiser (NSD): While the Federation has proved to be completely capable of making stupid decisions, this seems a bit egregious. Having a drone cruiser that can also function as the fleet scout is a tremendous tactical advantage, plus it is now able to perform bombardment missions alone, instead of wasting valuable scout ships. Also, most other drone ships can magically add extra drone racks (e.g. F5D), why can't the Federation? This is a much more useful version of the NCD. (ssd)
New Mine Sweeper (NMS): I have always felt the NMS was a crummy ship, especially when compared to the original MS. This version of the NMS fixes those faults and makes some significant improvements. Two of the drone racks are type E; they are used to destroy multiple mines per turn. The other two remained type G for drone defense. A pair of Ph-Gs would have been nice (in the forward bank), but those are used exclusively on carrier escorts. (ssd)
Alternative Designs
The base Federation ships are the DN, CA, and DD, with the CL and FF thrown in. (I am ignoring the Tug, as I am focusing on the combat ships.) The CL and FF were added as the game developed, and the DN, CA, and DD were made before the game existed. As a result, all of these ships show the effects of when they were added to the game. As a thought exercise, I tried to "fix" each of the ships and make them more consistent with each other. Note that even though the CA is the basis for these alternative designs, there is still an alternative CA.
Alternative Dreadnought (DN-A): The weird DN is explained as being an early dreadnought that wasn't updated until the Federation was being swept up in the General War. This DN assumes a more reasonable progression. The existing DN becomes known as the DNE and the existing DN+ ceases to exist. This DN becomes the DN, and its initial refit becomes the new DN+. All following DNs (e.g. DNG, DNH) are unchanged. (ssd)
Alternative Command Cruiser (CC-A): This is just an extension of the CA refit. This refit keeps the full CA refit, rather than discarding the extra power. However, as the rear hull is rather full, the extra power is added to the saucer. This experience led to what they could accomplish later with the battlecruiser hull. (ssd)
Alternative Heavy Cruiser (CA-A): This is fundamentally the same as a CA, but the APR is located in the saucer, like it is with the CC. (ssd)
Alternative Light Cruiser (CL-A): If the Federation had decided not to continuously update the venerable sublight cruiser, but instead replace it with a saucer equivalent, I imagine that it would look like this. It is based on the NCL, but is "un-refitted" to fit back into the past. It has no drone rack, no APR, "normal" engines, and has unequal shields.
The plus refit is a combination of the refits for the DD and CA: it gets the side Ph-3s and Lab/AWR conversion of the DD refit and the drone and upgraded rear shields of CA refit. (ssd)
War Cruiser (CW-A): As the CL+ is not the equal of the other empires' war cruisers, the Federation would have been forced to introduce their own war cruiser. They would have taken the CL+, given it "hot warp" engines and beefed up the shields. The result is a ship which is identical to the NCLa+, but with a different name.
Alternative Destroyer (DD-A): This is an attempt to make a destroyer more in line with those of the other empires. It has only two photons, and its refit includes a drone rack. (ssd)
Alternative Frigate (FF-A): The Federation Frigate has always felt wrong. To me, it has always been a "modern" General War frigate that was "back-dated" to the Middle Years days. If it had been introduced into the game at the same time as the CA and DD, it most likely would have looked different. It only takes two minor changes to fix the problem: remove the Ph-3s and make the shields more graduated. No line ship in the Federation fleet ever had Ph-3s until fighters and relevant drones forced the issue. They should be part of the refit, not the base ship. Also, no early Federation ship has equal shields; the shields should gradually reduce toward the rear. The refit is equivalent to the FFG, which never gets made because it is just the refitted FF. (ssd)Captured Ships
Captured Klingon D6 Destruction (CD6): Since the "real" CD7 (what I called the D7F) was published in CL23, I have decided to instead show what Kumerian's Destruction would have looked like had it been converted instead of returned. Note that at the time of the conversion, it would have had the plus refit, but not the AWR refit. (ssd)
Captured Klingon D5 (CD5): Since I have a big thing for war cruisers, here is the D5 converted to Federation technology. Unlike the CD7, this ship is not markedly superior to the Federation's war cruiser, but is roughly comparable. (ssd)
Captured Klingon F5 (CF5): Probably the most likely ship to be captured by the Federation, so I include it here. (ssd)
Captured Romulan War Eagle (WE): Any "Eagle" ship that Star Fleet captures and decides to convert is pretty much guaranteed to be done as a King Eagle, as shown in CL27. However, prior to the introduction of the King Eagle, or in the cases were someone besides Star Fleet captures an "Eagle", they may not be willing to fully convert the captured ship. In such cases, any conversion will be done as cheaply as possible, resulting in this ship. Sometimes photons may not be available for the conversion, so, in such a case, two drone racks would be used. This SSDs allows either configuration to be used. (The ship must use either two photons or two drone racks; it would not be configured with one of each system.) This ship does not use a cloaking device. (ssd)
Captured Romulan Sparrowhawk (SPA): While the Firehawk makes a very, very nice Federation ship, the Sparrowhawk doesn't. Using the base conversion rules, it is left with two photons and two drone racks. Not a very exciting weapons array for a cruiser. A much better conversion converts all of the plasma to photons. While I could try to convert two Ph-3 into drones (a la the RKL), I chose not to. The ship is most likely to work on the Romulan border, so the absence of drone racks shouldn't be a big deal. This ship does not use a cloaking device. (base ssd) (photon ssd)
Captured Romulan Sparrowhawk Carrier (SPB): On the other hand, having a split photon and drone armament works very well for a carrier. This particular carrier has an added benefit in that it carries 16 fighters to the battle, instead of just a normal 12. This ship does not use a cloaking device. (ssd)
Purchased Hydran Knight (KN): The only known surviving ship of the Hydrans' "Operation Federation" was a Knight destroyer. It was too badly damaged to bother with, this supposes it was converted for use by the Federation. Presumably, the Federation would have paid for the hull somehow, so as to make it a "purchased" ship, rather than a "captured" ship. Note that it has three photons, rather than two, as the Lancer's three fusion beams imply it has the room. Any Federation conversion of a Lancer would likely end up looking like this, too. (ssd)Fighters
A-18 "Wasp" Fighter: With the advent of Interceptors, the Federation had no adequate response. Philosophically unwilling to commit to the use of similar ships, the Federation had to come up with an alternative. While the A-20 was initially thought to be adequate in that role, it was determined to be too slow and too difficult to field. (After all, there ended up being only two ships in the entire fleet that carried them: a single NVH and a single SCS.) What was really needed was a mass produced fighter that could move fast and still deliver a photon hit. The result is the A-18.
It is based on the design of the F-18, but replaces the two type I drone rails with a single photon. While it is effectively a variant of the F-18, it is not possible for one to be converted to the other. Since it was not developed until Y179 and did not enter mass production until Y181, it functionally includes the "B" refit of the F-18, but was never called the A-18B. It has 10 damage points, 2 type VI drones, one chaff pack (it was not intended to dogfight), a Ph-3 and a single photon. The photon is, of course, limited to a range of 12 hexes. Special rails where never added. Speed is 15. DFR is 1. BPV is 11.
It could be deployed anywhere an F-18 could, but was primarily used on NVSs. It replaces half of the original number of F-18s on the carrier. In addition, the CVA could replace its A-10s with A-18s. Other exceptions were the SCS which never carried them as it already had A-20s and the AuxCVA and CVA pod which typically only carried six A-18s instead of the allowable twelve. Obviously, the fighter box for an A-18 would have photon reloading capabilities. No escort is capable of rearming an A-18s photon (though they can reload the drones).
A-18C: Replace the two light rails with two standard rails in Y183. The A-18C was fairly rare for several years as F-14s, F-15s and F-18s were all refitted before A-18s.
The Federation never fielded gunboats. The stated reason was because gunboats were suicide missions crew was assigned to, whereas fighters (and bombers) were suicide missions crew volunteered for. Whether that is a convincing enough argument is up for debate, however, the numbers do justify the perspective. A standard gunboat has a crew of 30, so a set of six of them would have 180. With one of those being a leader, that would be 190. In comparison an entire squadron of 12 F-18s will have just 12 pilots and one EW officer (13 total). A squadron of F-101 or F-111 will have just 6 pilots and 6 crew, for a total of 12. That is a significant difference that adds up over time. Even if you lose ten times as many fighter squadrons as gunboat flotillas, you are still only losing two-thirds as many crew. The difference is that big.
However, this hurt police and security forces. Gunboats were so superior to skiffs and heavy shuttles, that civilian, police, and security forces faced an economic disadvantage by not employing them. Plus, the "loss of life" issue does apply in this venue, as local forces will not see their gunboats go down very often. (In fact, there might be even fewer, as it would dissuade many minor raids, too.) Historically, they just sucked it up and dealt with it. Below provides a way that they could have worked around the limitation and prohibition of Star Fleet to get gunboats.
Police Gunboat
The Federation police forces were extremely frustrated that Star Fleet refused to allow the use of gunboats, which would significantly improve their resources could they use them. Once the police gunboat was approved, the fact that Star Fleet refused to use gunboats actually became a bonus, as it means that Star Fleet would not "steal" these forces, like they tended to do with so many other police assets. Despite the resistance of Star Fleet to the production of gunboats, the various police forces were able to push this through.
There was no interceptor predecessor to this gunboat, as it took so long to get the approvals to create the police gunboat that the parameters of how gunboats were already well understood, and the Federation could just leverage the experiences of the Kzinti (and Orions).
This gunboat is designed on the outline of the ubiquitous police cutter. It has a very standard design, but it sacrificed a weapon system to include a transporter on the standard design. The first link shows the standard version. The second link shows the combat variants (drone, phaser, and escort). The third link shows the standard utility variants (cargo, troop, etc.). (ssd1) (ssd2) (ssd3)
I am not a big fan of X-ships and probably won't put too many up on this website. However, these two variants were too obvious and tempting to pass up on.
Advanced Light Cruiser (NLX): This is an X-version of the NCL. Since, like all other light cruisers, is based on the NCL, but is not a conversion. As such, the Federation designers took the opportunity to add a few little details to make it more general purpose. The primary addition was to add a little more living space (hull) and to add lab capabilities at the expense of some auxiliary power. (ssd)
Advanced New Cruiser (NCX): This basically takes the DDX and adds an updated NCA rear hull. The number of boxes in the rear hull is unchanged, but they are all X-systems. It uses a uniform arrangement of three matching engines. Since the rear hull systems appear to have a movement cost of 1/3, and the base hull has a movement cost of 1/2, the whole ship has the unusual movement rate of 5/6. While it has fewer phasers than the CX, it has twice the drone racks. It uses the shields and electronics of the CX. (ssd)
Advanced Destroyer (DDX): This is just a single-engine variant of the DDX. It was never developed as the two engine version had more power, but this version just seems to be more aesthetically pleasing. (ssd)Klingon
Hood (FCA): Assume that the Klingons managed to capture the Hood, instead of just blowing it up. (SH19.0) (As an aside, how was it not captured? With 15 transporters between the three Klingon ships, they should have captured the Hood!) ADB published an SSD for a Fed CA captured and converted by the Klingons in CL23. As a result, I have taken my Hood SSD down.
Alternative Designs
It always seemed so odd that the smaller ships didn't mount their disruptors on their engines, but instead mounted them in the hull.
Alternative F5 (F5-A): When the disruptors are moved to the engines, a little more space was opened up, allowing for a redundant tractor. (ssd)
Alternative E4 (E4-A): When the disruptors are moved to the engines, a little more space was opened up, allowing for a redundant tractor. (ssd)
Captured Ships
Captured Federation Light Cruiser (FCL): As a counterpart to the CD6 above, here is the Klingon conversion of a CL. This results in a pretty interesting ship. (ssd)
Captured Federation New Light Cruiser (FNL): As a counterpart to the CD5 above, here is the Klingon conversion of an NCL. While weaker than the D5, it would still do an acceptable job. (ssd)
Captured Federation Frigate (FFF): The most likely ship to be captured by the Klingons, so I include it here. (ssd)Romulan
K9S Space Control Ship (K9S): At some point the Romulans probably considered converting the Behemoth into a Space Control Ship. They would not have bothered with the conversion into a CVA as they had plenty of other carriers they could use, and the addition of just fighters would not justify the cost of converting the K9R. However, once PFs were introduced, the Romulans probably did seriously consider converting the K9R into a K9S, but would only have done it if it needed serious repairs. (It probably still was not worth pulling an undamaged dreadnought in for a conversion.)
This ship basically just uses the rear deck house identical to that of a C8S. Note, however, that it still only has a single wing phaser as it is still based on the K9R, not the C8. Ideally it would be escorted by a KDE and two K5Es, but if they are not available, various other combinations would be acceptable. (ssd)
K9P Dreadnought (K9P): Going back to the idea that Romulan fighters are somewhat pointless, but their PFs are very powerful, here is a PF only version of the K9R. Rather than using the C8S/K9S as a basis, this is a direct modification of the K9R using the ROC as a model. This includes a pair mech links on the boom, and uses half of the copious shuttle bay to get room for the repair facilities. This conversion is a dramatically simpler conversion than the K9S. (ssd)
K5R-C Frigate (K5R-C): This is the KF5R from the old Commander's edition. The original KF5R had a single plasma G that was then upgraded to a plasma S with the B-refit. In Captain's edition, the plasma was reduced to a pair of Pl-Fs (which fit the SSD better). Also, the Captain's edition rules were changed to prevent a Pl-S from being mounted on a class 4 ship. I, however, always liked the old KF5R better than the new K5R, so here it is (including its Pl-S). (ssd)
K1 Gunboat (K1): The Romulans have a "KR" version of just about every other class of Klingon ship, but one was never done for the G1 gunboat. After making the conversion, I was quite impressed with how effective a PF it is. It has two Ph-1, a rear Ph-3, and three Pl-Fs with very wide arcs. These are very nice little ships. The first link shows the combat flotilla. The second link shows the utility variants (cargo, troop, etc.). (ssd) (ssd)
Captured Ships
Captured Federation New Light Cruiser (NCL): This is a straight conversion of the NCL. Oddly enough, as weak of a conversion as the CA is, this ship is quite strong. It has a stronger weapons suite than the SPA, and would be able to operate with them. Its only real weak points are its limited reserve power and low breakdown rating. (ssd)
Movie-style KR Ships
I always thought it was cool in the movies how the weapons were fired from the front of the boom. So here are versions of the KR ships with the plasmas in the nose. These are functionally equivalent to the real versions, but do add some minor variations because of arcs and weapons locations. I have only done the base classes; it does not take much to then extend the idea out to all of the various variants.
As a general rule, place the heaviest plasmas farthest forward. If there are secondary plasma, put it in the wing positions. Then move the displaced phasers to the engine mounts.
Alternative K9R (K9R-A): This places the Pl-R and Pl-Ss up front; the Pl-Fs are in the wings. The phasers are moved to the engines. Unlike the cruisers, the number of phasers on the K9R-A and K9R are the same, but I had to keep the wing phasers, in addition to adding the Pl-Fs, to do this. Without the B refit, delete the shaded shield boxes and reduce the Pl-Ss to Pl-Gs with LF-L and RF-R arcs. (ssd)
Alternative K7R (K7R-A): This places the two Pl-Ss up front and the Pl-Fs in the wings. The phasers are put on the engines. The K7R-A loses a phaser over the standard version. This is because the K7R gains a "box" on each engine (for the plasma F), but the K7R-A only gains a single "box" (in the boom). Without the B refit, deleted the shaded shield boxes and reduce the Pl-Ss to Pl-Gs with the FA arc. (ssd)
Alternative KR (KR-A): This places the two Pl-Gs up front. The phasers are put on the engines. The KR-A gains a phaser because of this, but the forward phasers end up with slightly worse arcs. This is because the KR-A gains a "box" in the boom (the two Pl-Ss take up four "boxes", but the phasers only take up three "boxes"). The B refit (not shown) increases the 3-4-5 shields to 22 boxes and change the plasmas to Pl-S with FP arcs. (ssd)
Alternative KDR (KDR-A): This, ironically, gives the ship a more conventional plasma arrangement of 1x Pl-S and 2x Pl-F instead of the standard KDR's 2x Pl-S. The Pl-S replaces the forward phasers, and each Pl-F replaces a wing phaser. All displaced phasers are put on the engines. I gave the phasers the same arcs the disruptors have on the D5. This ship effectively includes the B refit. (ssd)
Alternative K5R (K5R-A): This results in a purely cosmetic change. The Pl-Fs are moved to the nose and the forward phasers are moved to the wings. Without the B refit, deleted the shaded shield boxes. (ssd)Heavy Plasma KR Ships
Going a step further, you can end up with a true revamping of the Kestrel fleet. Figure that the Romulans would tend toward what they currently know (heavy plasma) and only made the full transition to "standard plasma" with the Third Generation. Doing so, you end up with the following ships. (The KDR would not change.)
Alternative K9R (K9R-B): Make the same changes as in the K9R-A, but replace the two Pl-Ss with another Pl-R. Then put the Pl-Rs in the positions of the Pl-Ss on the K9R-A, giving them split arcs. This also leaves the two nose Ph-1s in place, and so does not have any phasers in the wings. The other phasers are moved to the engines. Again, the number of phasers on the K9R-B and K9R are the same. Without the B refit, delete the shaded shield boxes. (ssd)
Alternative KRC (KRC-B): Move the Pl-Ss to the nose of the boom and combine them into a single Pl- R. The Pl-Fs are moved to the wing positions and two Ph-1s are positioned on each engine mounts. The Pl-D racks and waist phasers are unchanged. There is no B/L refit. (ssd)
Alternative K7R (K7R-B): This has the same plasma arrangement as the KRC-B. Without the B refit, deleted the shaded shield boxes. (ssd)
Alternative KR (KR-B): Replace the two Pl-Gs with a single Pl-R. Without the B refit, delete the shaded shield boxes. (ssd)
Alternative KDR (KDR-B): The alternative KDRs are the same. By using the Pl-S and the two Pl-Fs, it has already been built around the biggest plasma torpedo the ship can carry. See the KDR-A.
Alternative K5R (K5R-B): This gets a heavy plasma up front and moves the phasers to the wings. The overall power is pretty equivalent because I have violated the rules by making the heavy plasma a Pl-S. While this against the rules, this is a truly imaginary ship, and the Pl-S just works better. If necessary, just downgrade the Pl-S to a Pl-G. Without the B refit, change the plasma to a fixed Pl-G with an FA arc, and remove the shaded shield boxes. (ssd)Kzinti
Heavy Cruiser Carrier (CVB): The more I look at the CVL, the more I realize how the Kzinti got completely screwed on their CA carrier. While it was a reasonable counterpart to the D6V and CVT, by the time of the D7V, Lyran carriers, and Fed CVS/NVS, it is completely outclassed. While it is probably too "cookie-cutter", the Kzintis probably aught to have a wartime 12 fighter carrier on the CA hull.
The fighter bay is expanded on this ship and the rear pylons that were mysteriously removed on the CVL were put back. (Why were they removed!?) (ssd)Purchased Federation Ships
At the beginning of the General War, the Kzintis were dramatically running out of ships. While it didn't happen, it was quite possible the Federation would have just outright sold the Kzintis some of their own hulls so the Kzintis could field more warships. (In the end, the Federation ended up just funnelling them funds which the Kzintis used to make their own ships.) Had ships been sold to the Kzinti, they would have simply been the NCL and FF (the two ships that were mass-produced by the Federation).
Purchased NCL (FNL): This is a Federation NCL converted to use by the Kzintis. The phaser suite was reduced, but disruptors and drones were added. It is roughly comparable to the Kzinti CM, but the CM has more firepower. They didn't number the refit, and just called it a "plus" refit. (ssd)
Purchased FF (FFF): This is a Federation FF converted to use by the Kzintis. Again, the phaser suite was reduced. Also the APR in the refit was changed to another drone. (ssd)Gorn
PF Dreadnought (DNP): The Gorns never really subscribed to the use of fighters. So I would have expected to see this type of dreadnought instead of an SCS. There are several advantages of a PF-only dreadnought. First, it is cheaper to make. Unlike the SCS or CVA, this is made within an unaltered DN hull; the other two require extensive modifications to the DN hull to fit in the carrier bays. Second, it doesn't have to carry around marginally effective fighters. Finally, it is no longer required to be escorted by two or three toothless vessels; the carrier escorts that would otherwise be required can now be replaced with actual warships. This is a true PFT. (ssd)
Dreadnought Carrier (DNV): The Gorns never made a CVA, but could have easily deployed a "dreadnought carrier", which carries a single squadron of fighters. The advantage of this is that with the sacrifice of a single transporter, the dreadnought gets the extra firepower of a squadron of fighters. However, as the hull is not "stretched" or "widened" or massively altered in some other way, it is easily constructed for little additional cost over a standard DN. (Or is easily and quickly converted from a DN.) While it is not required, it would have the same escorts as the CVA.
It has a single, tunnel bay (J1.59) with three balcony positions on each side. (ssd)
PF Heavy Battlecruiser (BCP): Using the above rationale, the Gorns could also make a PF-only BCH instead of a BCS. The first benefit above really comes into play because the hull of the BCS is massively altered. This just uses a standard BCH hull, but with new wings. This is a true PFT. (ssd)
Armed Tug (TGA): I have never understood why anyone would be so blindly stupid as to not only replace a Pl-G or Pl-S with a single tractor beam, but to do it twice. How many tractors does a tug need? Five seems a bit much. This puts the normal CL wings back onto the tug. (ssd)
Gunfighter Battle Destroyer (GBD): With the introduction of the gunfighter frigates in CL28, I started to wonder what a gunfighter battle destroyer would look like. Seeing as the Gorns are willing to slap a rear disk on just about any other DD variant to make a BDD variant, why not this one? Interestingly, the BDD design already has so much APR crammed into it, this design only gains a single APR. It does, however, gain several weapons. (ssd)
Carronade Cruiser (HDF): The carronade functionality of the Pl-F was a useful feature that some admirals and fleet captains valued more highly than most. These leaders where able to get a conversion of opportunity done to a handful of heavy destroyers for use against cloaked opponents. This was simply a standard HDD that had its Pl-S replaced by a pair of Pl-F. This gave it a plasma load out of a total of four Pl-F, giving it ample opportunity to make use of the carronade function. (ssd)
Heavy Fighter Gorns
I have always thought it odd that the Gorns would depend so totally on a foreign empire to pilot all of their fighter craft. It would seem that they would attempt to minimize that as much as possible. As long as they have to field single-space fighters, they don't have a choice, however. And, throughout their history, that would be the case. However, with the introduction of heavy fighters, they would be able to signficantly change the equation. This would make the Gorns into the "heavy fighter" empire.
Ideally, the Gorns would be a PF-heavy empire, as they hate fighters and need attrition units. Unfortunately, they get PFs behind everyone else. However, this feeds into the idea above, as it forces them to make much heavier use of heavy fighters during the half-decade gap between the introduction of heavy fighters and PFs. And, even after the introduction of PFs, they would continue to be the one empire that makes significant use of heavy fighters.
When the Federation introduced the Gorns to fighters, the Gorns understood the need, but didn't like them because they couldn't fly them. They had to hire Federation mercenaries to fly for them. Plus, the Federation only sold them fighters after having fulfilled their own needs first. So, when they were introduced to the idea of heavy fighters, they quickly took to it. After designing the G-30 and G-40, and realizing they could easily be configured to accept a Gorn pilot, the Gorns quickly retrofitted their fleet to make use of the heavy fighters.
All carriers are converted to carry 6 heavy fighters instead of 12 single-space fighters. (The CVA would carry 12 heavy fighters in violation of normal rules. The SCS would carry 6 heavy fighters and 6 PFs in violation of the normal rules.) The BDV and HDW also carry heavy fighters, but only have partial squadrons because of their smaller size. Most carriers made use of the G-30, however the supply of G-30s was sometimes insufficient, and they would have to make due with G-40s. Also, carriers that only carried superiority fighters (e.g. HDV or auxiliary carriers) always carried G-40s, not G-30s. As quickly as the supplies would allow, bases were also converted over to the G-30s, with each hanger module being configured to hold 3 G-30s. (Hanger modules so configured would only be deployed in pairs.) Again, however, supplies of G-30s were not as much as desired, and many bases had to operate with G-40s for the entire war.
Purchased Federation Ships
The Gorns don't have much of a production schedule, and the HDD is a pretty light war cruiser. If the Federation had wanted to, they probably could have supplied some NCL hulls to the Gorns to be converted to their use. They wouldn't have bothered with the FF, as the BDD (and even the DD) is better than anything they could convert from a Federation FF. That is definitely not the case for the NCL.
Purchased NCL (FNL): This is a Federation NCL converted to use by the Gorns. The weapons were converted as described in the Fed/Romulan Anarchist article, but with one exception. The rear drone rack, instead of being converted to hull, is instead converted to a rear firing plasma torpedo. Also, the marine contingent and shuttle arrangement reflects the Gorn preferences. (ssd)Tholian
Disruptor Dreadnought (DN): I never fully understood why the Tholians could replace a pair of Ph-3s with a pair of photons, but couldn't do it with disruptors. This ship assumes that the lessons with the photons allow them to use disruptors, too. The DN is just a DP with disruptors in place of the photons, giving a total of six disruptors. (I used the "corrected" hull form from CL29.) (ssd)
Space Control Ship (SCS): This takes the CVA to its full extreme to be a Space Control Ship. The wonderful thing about the CVA is that it already has the 6 tractor beams. One option was to just put mech links on the tractors and have an SCS with no repair. Instead I deleted some systems to make room for a minimal repair suite. And since the fighter bays are all external, I just left them, so it retains the full 24 fighters. (The fighters are mounted forward in the center, and on the sides. The PFs are mounted on the bottom and the top rear.) (ssd)Orion
Heavy PF Tender (CPF): Instead of wasting time converting obsolete CAs into carriers, they should have made them into PF Tenders instead. First, it is cheaper and easier to produce (just add mech links and stuff the cargo with repair equipment). Second, it is far more effective. The CPF can be used either offensively with a full weapons load in addition to the PFs, or in a support role. In the support role it would usually carry two special sensors, a drone rack and an ADD rack. (Two drones racks would be used if the ship also had OAKDISC.) Only PFs in the last two positions can be repaired. This is a true PFT. (ssd)
Super Salvage Cruiser (SSL): This takes the improvements of the SGS, but doesn't use the fighters or PFs. It simply performs the role of a Salvage Cruiser, but with the bigger hull and engines. (ssd)
Super PF Tender (SPT): This takes the improvements of the SGS, but it only carries PFs. There are no fighters. The beauty of this ship is that it can now do what a real Orion is supposed to do: capture cargo. It is a full PFT, with repair, but also has a very (for an Orion) spacious cargo hold where lots of loot can be kept. This can be considered the perfection of Orion design in their original role. Because of its utility, it would rarely used in the mercenary role. (Unlike the SGS, which is used almost exclusively in the mercenary role.) (ssd)
Super Salvage Carrier (SSV): This takes the improvements of the SGS, but it only carries fighters. It is a true carrier, with a full squadron of 12 fighters, but still has as much cargo space as the original Salvage Cruiser. (While nice, the SPT is a much better use of the hull.) (ssd)
Heavy Cruiser - Hydran (CAH): Despite the difficulties of operating as such, Hydran pirates did exist. And there were more of them than might have otherwise been expected. One of them dreamed of the day they could rise high enough to command an enforcer ship of their own. Had they been able to do so, they would have refitted the life support systems to be Hydran-normative and eliminated the drone racks from the design. Unfortunately, they were never able to rise higher than the captain of a fusion-armed LR before their untimely demise. This is what was envisioned. The drone racks are replaced with fusion beams, and each pair of phaser-3s is replaced with a single phaser-G. (No option mount could carry a phaser-G, limiting the total to these two.) They would never have used drone racks, and the removal of the integral drone racks made adding any back nonsensical. (ssd)
Heavy Cruiser - Lyran (CAL): There arose a Lyran enforcer captain in the Daven cartel that was able to convince their crime boss to do a little customizing on their enforcer CA. This ship trades out their drone racks for ESGs. However, since ESGs can't be mounted in the wings of Orion ships, the swap is a little more complicated. This change cuts the phaser-3 armament in half, but that is more than made up for by the presence of the ESGs and their arcs do improve. It also adds in two mech links to carry gunboats when the opportunity arises. While this conversion was successful enough to not be changed back, even after the Lyran captain who instigated the modification moved on, the ship remained unique. A third ESG cannot be mounted in the forward option mounts. (ssd)
All new Hydran ships presented here have no "class names". There are so many, I don't know them all, and, if I do pick an unused one, it will probably be used for something else. Consequently, I will just go with a more standard class description for my Hydran ships.
Combo Medium Cruiser (CMC): A medium cruiser version of the Cheyenne, it sports both fusion and hellbores. Since it has to have an odd number, it favors the hellbore. It also trades two APR back for two fighters. There are no launch tubes, as they are irrelevant with only two fighters and two shuttle bays. A middle ground between the Mongol and Tartar. (ssd)
Armed Medium Carrier (CMV): An armed variant of the Cossack. It reduces its fighter group to a more standard twelve fighters, but gets the full weapons suite of a Mongol. Which is better depends on what is wanted from a Hydran carrier. (ssd)
Armed Destroyer Carrier (DDV) An armed variant of the Uhlan. It reduces its fighter group to a more typical size, though it uses an unusual ten fighters, but gets the full weapons suite of a Lancer. Which is better depends on what is wanted from a Hydran carrier. (ssd)
War Destroyer Carrier (DVW): A version of the DWV that removes the fusions for more fighters. The mobile carrier is an "odd duck" in the Hydran fleet because it is the only carrier smaller than a heavy battlecruiser that retains its heavy weapons. Plus it has a remarkably small fighter group for its hull size. (It is the same as other mobile carriers, whereas other Hydran carriers carry more fighters than other empires' carriers on equivalent hull sizes.) Taking out the fusions allows the other systems, down to the hull, to be pushed fore, allowing for a bigger shuttle bay. It now carries a full squadron of 12 fighters, and the shuttle bay adds in a handful of launch tubes. (ssd)
Armed Tug (TGA): This is a Caravan with some weapons. It sacrifices some internal cargo space to put the weapons back in. It has the same weaponry and power as a Ranger, but only has a third of the fighters. It only has fusions, as I figure the Hydrans wouldn't put any of their fairly scarce hellbores on a support ship. Plus, the fusions would scare just about anything short of a full warship. (ssd)Hellbore Fleet
With the official Hydrans, the hellbore weapon is used sparingly and rarely. Their primary focus is always on the fusion beam; both on ships and on their innumerable fighters. However, what if the Hydrans focused on the hellbore to the exclusion of fusions and fighters? What if they made a much more conventional fleet? As a thought exercise, I decided to try and find out.
I mainly focus on the leaders, as they are the only ships with mixed weaponry. All of the non-leader ships are hellbore only and, with the exception of the new and old heavy cruisers, carry no fighters. In this conversion, the general rule is that fusions are turned into phasers and fighter boxes are deleted. Fighters are occasionally turned to power, but only when noted below. While it is tempting to change at least some of the fighters into power, I felt that was "dishonest". The power curve of the ships remains the same; the weapons just become much more effective.
I didn't make class names for any of the ships. Instead I just refer to them as the standard classes they are, but with an "H" in front to designate that they are part of the hellbore fleet.
Dreadnought (HDN): Based on the standard Paladin, it gets the six hellbores it should have always had. The other two fusions are turned into phasers. Some of the fighters are exchanged for extra power and some for shuttles, and the rest are deleted. (ssd)
Heavy Battlecruiser (HBC): Based on the Overlord, it exchanges its fusions for phasers, changes half the fighters to shuttles, and deletes the other half. This ship is now the ship it was always born to be. It is absolutely devastating. (ssd)
Command Cruiser (HCC): Based on the Lord Bishop, it exchanges its fusions for phasers and deletes the fighters. (ssd)
Heavy Cruiser (HCA): The Dragoon is almost the perfect model for what I am trying for, except that it has three fighters. This variation simply removes the fighters (and their boxes) from the ship (which is how it is almost always used, anyway). (ssd)
New Command Cruiser (HNCC): Based on the Iroquois Chieftain, it simply removes the fighters, but keeps the shuttle boxes (giving the same number of shuttles as the HNCA). (ssd)
New Heavy Cruiser (HNCA): Based on the Iroquois, it simply deletes the fighters (just like the Dragoon). (ssd)
Medium Command Cruiser (HMCC): Based on the Apache, it exchanges its fusions for phasers. It already doesn't have any fighters. (ssd)
Medium Cruiser (HCM): A standard Tartar.
Light Command Cruiser (HLCC): Based on the Baron, it exchanges fusions for phasers, and deletes the fighters. (ssd)
Light Cruiser (HCL): A standard Traveler.
War Destroyer Leader (HDWL): Based on the Lion Hunter. It exchanges its fusions for phasers, and deletes its fighters. A wonderful little ship that you wish could have a third hellbore. (ssd)
War Destroyer (HDW): A standard Rhino Hunter.
Destroyer Leader (HDL): Based on the Warrior. It exchanges its fusions for phasers, and deletes its fighters. (The SSD may not look like that, as some extra rearranging of the boxes was done.) This makes an amazing Hydran destroyer with six Ph-1s and the power to use its hellbores. (ssd)
Destroyer (HDD): A standard Knight.
Frigate Leader (HFL): Based on the Crusader. It swaps it fusions for phasers. It only has Ph-2s, but with six and a hellbore, it packs a pretty good punch none the less. (ssd)
Frigate (HFF): A standard Cuirassier.
Captured Klingon D7 (HD7): This is an optimized D7H. It removes the fighters and fusions, and changes the rear security into a much needed APR. It also gets the full shield refit. (ssd)
The above only focuses on the main combat fleet elements. While the causal fighters are all removed, dedicated carriers would still need to exist, and they would use standard Stinger fighter groups, with most using fusions and a couple per squadron with hellbores. Outside the very large carriers (like the Iron Duke and Overseer) which can effectively deploy hellbores, most carriers will accentuate the fighter group and lack any heavy weapons. So, carriers like the Cavalier, Cossack, Uhlan, and Sythian would be completely unchanged. Meanwhile the Vampire Hunter would trade out its fusion beams for more fighters, as with the DVW above. The escorts would not change and any that carry additional fighters would continue to do so. So, even though their main fleet wouldn't be causal carriers, they would still use a lot of Stingers in their fleets. They would just be carrier (and escort) based, with those carriers carrying more fighters that are typical for their class.
On the other hand, all auxiliary ships and police ships would still use fusion beams. They are serving a different function, so the fusion beams suit their functions quite well. Besides, they just don't have the power required to operate hellbores. The Gendarme would not carry casual fighters. Auxiliaries occasionally would. Some Hunters would also exist, but purely for use by the police forces.
An increased number of hellbore armed gunboats would be operated with fleet elements, but the bulk would still be armed with fusions. Most bases and all police and auxiliary type operations would simply use fusion armed gunboats.
Gunfighter War Destroyer (GDW): The Lyrans really love to make trimarans out of catamarans, whether they are needed or not. (Even more than Gorns love to add rear disks.) So, if they ever really did make any gunfighter frigates, it is almost guaranteed they would at least try to make a gunfighter war destroyer. Interestingly, this ship does not gain any more disruptors than the GFF, but it does get more Ph-1s and lots more power. (ssd)
PF Tender (PFT): The Flivver PFT is based on the CW hull. While it loses its hyperdrone racks, it gains special sensors and a full PF flotilla. (ssd)
Destroyer PF Tender (DPF): The Flivver DPF is based on the ubiquitous DW. Like the full size PFT, it trades out its own weapons for special sensors and the firepower of a PF flotilla. (ssd)
Fast Patrol Ship (PF): The Flivver PF is a straight application of standard Flivver design. The center warp engine provides hoverwarp power, but the booster packs do not. As a result, the PFs are somewhat more limited in their ability to use hoverwarp. Standard hyperdrone racks are just too large to put into such a small hull, so a smaller version of the rack was designed. The smaller rack has only two magazines and only four rounds per magazine. Other than its size and capacity, it works exactly like a full sized hyperdrone rack. As with drone armed PFs, the Flivver PF is incapable of reloading its own racks; all reloads are done by the tender. (ssd)Page last modified Wednesday, 01/19/23.
Star Fleet Battles, SFB, Federation & Empire, Star Fleet Missions, Prime Directive, and all contents thereof are copyright (C) 1990 by Amarillo Design Bureau. Second Edition copyright (c) 1994 by Amarillo Design Bureau. These games were produced under license from Franz Joseph Designs, authors of the STAR FLEET TECHNICAL MANUAL. Elements of the Star Fleet Universe are the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation and are used with their permission.
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